

Name Description
CountryPrice Holds prices for individual countries for Buyables. EMPTY
CountryPrice_BuyableExtension Adds pricing to Buyables EMPTY
CountryPrice_CopyPrices a class to copy prices from country A to country This can be added to Products, but also to Product Groups and other pages ... EMPTY
CountryPrice_CopyPrices_Controller No description available EMPTY
CountryPrice_DistributorManagementTool Controller that allows checking of all information. EMPTY
CountryPrice_DistributorManagementTool_Log No description available EMPTY
CountryPrice_EcomDBConfig No description available EMPTY
CountryPrice_EcommerceCountry Adds fields to individual countries. EMPTY
CountryPrice_EcommerceCurrency Adds currency to invididual countries EMPTY
CountryPrice_OrderDOD Adds functionality to Order EMPTY
CountryPrice_OrderFormAddressExtension No description available EMPTY
CountryPrice_OrderStatusLog_AND_OrderAtribute No description available EMPTY
CountryPrice_OrderStepDOD Adds individual country messages for ordersteps EMPTY
CountryPrice_Page_Controller_Extension if there is a tranlsation page redirects to URL with ?ecomlocale=AU EMPTY
CountryPrice_ProductGroup No description available EMPTY
CountryPrice_SiteTreeExtensions No description available EMPTY
CountryPrice_TestController No description available EMPTY
CountryPrice_Translation No description available EMPTY
CountryPricesCleanup No description available EMPTY
CountryPrices_ChangeCountryController Common use: ```php CountryPrices_ChangeCountryController::changeto('XX'); CountryPrices_ChangeCountryController::new_country_link('XX'); ``` EMPTY
CountryURLProvider Usage: $myAnswer = CountryPrice_Translation::get_country_url_provider() ->getSomething(); EMPTY
Distributor A country can only be sent goods to from 1 distributor + the default distributor which can send anywhere in the world. EMPTY
DistributorFAQPage Page where distributors can put specific information about their country. EMPTY
DistributorFAQPage_Controller No description available EMPTY
Distributor_MemberDOD adds a member to a distributor EMPTY
EcommerceCountriesTest No description available EMPTY
EcommerceOrderStepCountryData Data for each in orderstep for each country EMPTY
ImportDistributorsTask allows the creation of distributors from a CSV EMPTY
SalesAdmin_CountryPrice No description available EMPTY