

Name Description
AddressFinderField Enter an address and check that it is correct ... EMPTY
BatchGeoAddressConverter here is some old code that maybe of use. EMPTY
GetLatLngFromGoogleUsingAddress Geocode an address-string to a set of coordinates using Google's free geocoding services. EMPTY
GetLatLngFromGoogleUsingAddressSearchRecord No description available EMPTY
GoogleMap This is the basic engine for the Google Map EMPTY
GoogleMapDataResponse The way the map works is that you open a page, which loads the initial page with the map points being loaded as a separate XML doc. EMPTY
GoogleMapLocationsDOD Additions to Site Tree EMPTY
GoogleMapLocationsDOD_Controller Adds functions to a Page_Controller to action a map. EMPTY
GoogleMapLocationsObject Map Location Object onBeforeWrite, it automagically adds all the details. EMPTY
GoogleMapModelAdmin No description available EMPTY
GoogleMapSearchRecord saves all places searched for on the site. EMPTY
GoogleMapSiteConfigDOD No description available EMPTY
GooglemapTest No description available EMPTY
Page No description available EMPTY
Page_Controller No description available EMPTY
RedoGetLatLngFromGoogleUsingAddressTask No description available EMPTY
SearchByAddressForm form that can be used to search by address EMPTY
Services_JSON Converts to and from JSON format. EMPTY
Services_JSON_Error No description available EMPTY
StaticMapSaverForHTTPS save a map to a local file. EMPTY