Source of file SitemapPageDecorator.php

Size: 1,973 Bytes - Last Modified: 2021-12-23T10:46:36+00:00



class SitemapPageDecorator extends SiteTreeExtension

     * Note, you have to list each class explicitely
     * That is, descendants need to be listed as well
     * as their parents, to exclude them both.
     * Includes override excludes.  If you list includes,
     * then only those pages will be shown.
     * If you dont list includes, then the exclude list will be
     * used and if this is empty all page types will be included.
     * @var Array
    private static $sitemap_classes_to_exclude = array("ErrorPage");

     * Note, you have to list each class explicitely
     * That is, descendants need to be listed as well
     * as their parents, to exclude them both.
     * Includes override excludes.  If you list includes,
     * then only those pages will be shown.
     * If you dont list includes, then the exclude list will be
     * used and if this is empty all page types will be included.
     * @var Array
    private static $sitemap_classes_to_include = array();

     * @return DataList
    public function SiteMapPages($noParent = false)
        if ($noParent) {
            $parentID = 0;
        } else {
            $parentID = $this->owner->ID;
        $filterArray = array(
            "ParentID" => $parentID,
            "ShowInMenus" => 1,
            "ShowInSearch" => 1
        $excludeArray = array("ClassName" => 'SiteMapPage');
        $inc = Config::inst()->get("SitemapPageDecorator", "sitemap_classes_to_include");
        $exc = Config::inst()->get("SitemapPageDecorator", "sitemap_classes_to_exclude");
        if (is_array($inc) && count($inc)) {
            $filterArray["ClassName"] = $inc;
        } elseif (is_array($exc) && count($exc)) {
            $excludeArray["ClassName"] = $exc;
        return SiteTree::get()