

Name Description
UpgradeToSilverstripe4Test No description available EMPTY


Name Description
ModuleUpgrader No description available EMPTY
ModuleUpgraderBaseWithVariables No description available EMPTY
ModuleUpgraderInfo No description available EMPTY


Name Description
CreateListOfTasks No description available EMPTY
FileFixes No description available EMPTY
FileNameToClass No description available EMPTY
FileSystemFixes No description available EMPTY
FindFiles No description available EMPTY
LoadReplacementData No description available EMPTY
SearchAndReplaceAPI No description available EMPTY
SessionManagement No description available EMPTY


Name Description
Task No description available EMPTY


Name Description
Composer No description available EMPTY
ComposerJsonFixes No description available EMPTY
Git No description available EMPTY


Name Description
AddDotEnvFile Run a dev/build as a smoke test to see if all is well EMPTY
AddLegacyBranch This task adds a legacy branch to the git repo of the original to act as a backup/legacy version for holding a version of the module before it was changed EMPTY
AddLicenceToProjectForRecomposeTask Replaces the composer type from silverstripe-module to silverstripe-vendormodule in line with SS4 standards. EMPTY
AddNamespace Places all your code into namespaces (provided by silvertripe/runActualTask), using the PSR-4 approach (matching folders and namespaces) EMPTY
AddPHPDoc Runs through the source code and adds hidden Silverstripe property and method documentation to classes based on the database array and has many lists EMPTY
AddPSR4Autoloading Fixes the folder name cases in to make them PSR4 compatible e.g. EMPTY
AddTableName Replaces a bunch of code snippets in preparation of the upgrade. EMPTY
AddTableNamePrivateStatic No description available EMPTY
AddTempUpgradeBranch Adds a new branch to your repository that is going to be used for upgrading it. EMPTY
AddUpgradeBranch This task adds a legacy branch to the git repo of the original to act as a backup/legacy version for holding a version of the module before it was changed EMPTY
AddUpgradeStarterBranch This task adds a legacy branch to the git repo of the original to act as a backup/legacy version for holding a version of the module before it was changed EMPTY
AddVendorExposeDataToComposer Updates the composer requirements to reflect the new version and package names in the composer file of your module EMPTY
ApplyPSR2 Adds a new branch to your repository that is going to be used for upgrading it. EMPTY
ChangeControllerInitToProtected No description available EMPTY
ChangeEnvironment Runs the silverstripe/upgrade task "environment". See: EMPTY
CheckThatFoldersAreReady Checks that all the directories needed to run this tool exist and are writable. EMPTY
CheckoutDevMaster This task adds a legacy branch to the git repo of the original to act as a backup/legacy version for holding a version of the module before it was changed EMPTY
CheckoutUpgradeStarterBranch This task adds a legacy branch to the git repo of the original to act as a backup/legacy version for holding a version of the module before it was changed EMPTY
ComposerCompatibilityCheckerStep1 No description available EMPTY
ComposerCompatibilityCheckerStep2 No description available EMPTY
ComposerInstallProject Install a basic / standard install of Silverstripe ('.$this->versionToLoad.') using composer' ; EMPTY
CreateClientFolder This task adds a legacy branch to the git repo of the original to act as a backup/legacy version for holding a version of the module before it was changed EMPTY
CreatePublicFolder This task adds a legacy branch to the git repo of the original to act as a backup/legacy version for holding a version of the module before it was changed EMPTY
DatabaseMigrationLegacyYML This task adds a legacy branch to the git repo of the original to act as a backup/legacy version for holding a version of the module before it was changed EMPTY
DoMigrateSiteTreeLinkingTask Run a dev/build as a smoke test to see if all is well EMPTY
DoctorTask Runs the silverstripe/upgrade task "environment". See: EMPTY
FinalDevBuild Run a dev/build as a smoke test to see if all is well EMPTY
FinalDevBuild37 Run a dev/build as a smoke test to see if all is well EMPTY
FinaliseUpgradeWithMergeIntoMaster Adds a new branch to your repository that is going to be used for upgrading it. EMPTY
FindFilesWithMoreThanOneClass No description available EMPTY
FindFilesWithSimpleUseStatements No description available EMPTY
FindYmlExamplesFilesAndChangeExtension Run a dev/build as a smoke test to see if all is well EMPTY
FixBadUseStatements Replaces a bunch of code snippets in preparation of the upgrade. EMPTY
FixClassNamesWithUnderscores No description available EMPTY
FixOutdatedPHPStyles No description available EMPTY
FixRequirements Replaces a bunch of code snippets in preparation of the upgrade. EMPTY
FixTemplateIncludeStatements No description available EMPTY
InspectAPIChanges Runs the silverstripe/upgrade task "inspect". See: EMPTY
MoveCodeToSRC This task adds a legacy branch to the git repo of the original to act as a backup/legacy version for holding a version of the module before it was changed EMPTY
MoveMysiteToApp This task adds a legacy branch to the git repo of the original to act as a backup/legacy version for holding a version of the module before it was changed EMPTY
MoveTemplates This task adds a legacy branch to the git repo of the original to act as a backup/legacy version for holding a version of the module before it was changed EMPTY
PHPCompatabilityCheck Delete the web root directory to allow for a fresh install. EMPTY
Recompose Runs the silverstripe/upgrade task "recompose". See:' EMPTY
RecomposeHomeBrew Runs the silverstripe/upgrade task "recompose". See:' EMPTY
RemoveComposerRequirements Updates the composer requirements to reflect the new version and package names in the composer file of your module EMPTY
RemoveInstallerFolder Remove installer folder from composer.json file so that package installs into vendor folder. EMPTY
Reorganise Runs the silverstripe/upgrade task "reorganise". See: You can use this command to reorganise your folder structure to conform to the new structure introduced with SilverStripe 4.1. EMPTY
ResetWebRootDir Delete the web root directory to allow for a fresh install. EMPTY
RewriteConstructors Delete the web root directory to allow for a fresh install. EMPTY
RunImageTask Run a dev/build as a smoke test to see if all is well EMPTY
SearchAndReplace Replaces a bunch of code snippets in preparation of the upgrade. EMPTY
SearchAndReplaceWithoutCommit Replaces a bunch of code snippets in preparation of the upgrade. EMPTY
UpdateComposerModuleType Replaces the composer type from silverstripe-module to silverstripe-vendormodule in line with SS4 standards. EMPTY
UpdateComposerRequirements Updates the composer requirements to reflect the new version and package names in the composer file of your module EMPTY
Upgrade Runs the silverstripe upgrade task 'upgrade'. EMPTY
UpgradeDevBuild Remove installer folder from composer.json file so that package installs into vendor folder. EMPTY
UpperCaseFolderNamesForPSR4 Fixes the folder name cases in to make them PSR4 compatible e.g. EMPTY
WebrootUpdate This task runs the silverstripe upgrade task 'webroot' to configure your project to use the public web root structure EMPTY


Name Description
BaseClass No description available EMPTY
Ss31ToSs37 No description available EMPTY
Ss33ToSs37 No description available EMPTY
Ss35ToSs37 No description available EMPTY
Ss3ToSs4 No description available EMPTY
Ss4Lint No description available EMPTY