

Name Description
Exception No description available EMPTY
MemberNotificationExtension Adds a reference back to the Notification object on Member. EMPTY
MockBadNotificationProvider No description available EMPTY
MockBadParsedNotification No description available EMPTY
MockBadParser No description available EMPTY
MockMemberedNotificationDelivery No description available EMPTY
MockMemberedNotificationProvider This file contains 3 mocked classes specifically designed to test sending notification to multiple members. The provide simple hooks to test that they have been destined for a specific member. EMPTY
MockMemberedParsedNotification No description available EMPTY
MockMemberedParser No description available EMPTY
MockNotificationDelivery No description available EMPTY
MockNotificationProvider No description available EMPTY
MockParsedNotification No description available EMPTY
MockParsedNotificationWithoutSystemSubject No description available EMPTY
MockParser No description available EMPTY
Notification Represent a notification that is attached to a specific member. Is normally created by {@link NotificationDataObjectProvider}. EMPTY
NotificationAdmin [NotificationTypesAdmin description] EMPTY
NotificationDataObjectDelivery No description available EMPTY
NotificationDataObjectProvider Notification provider used to save notification to the Database. EMPTY
NotificationDataObjectProviderTest No description available EMPTY
NotificationDelivery No description available EMPTY
NotificationEmailProvider Notification provider used to send an email notification to a member. EMPTY
NotificationEmailProviderTest Test registion for Immunoglobin EMPTY
NotificationFailureException Exception thrown when a notification fails to deliver. EMPTY
NotificationParser No description available EMPTY
NotificationParserTest Test registion for Immunoglobin EMPTY
NotificationPurgeTask Build task to purge notification types that have been removed from the Default Records of {@link NotificationType}. EMPTY
NotificationPurgeTaskTest Test registion for Immunoglobin EMPTY
NotificationResponse Container for response to calling the send method on a Notification Service. Contains a list of successful and failed deliveries. EMPTY
NotificationService Sends an email notificaiton EMPTY
NotificationServiceTest Test registion for Immunoglobin EMPTY
NotificationSmsMessageMediaProvider Notification provider used to send an SMS Message Media via an Email message. EMPTY
NotificationSmsMessageMediaProviderTest No description available EMPTY
NotificationTest Test Notification DO EMPTY
NotificationType DataObject representing a notification type. EMPTY
NotificationTypeTest Test registion for Immunoglobin EMPTY
ParsedNotification Given a {@link NotificationType} and data, parse the notification into message elements suitable for a {@link Sender}. EMPTY
ParsedNotificationTest Test registion for Immunoglobin EMPTY